Normally, this podcast tells the stories of the winermakers in the Vine Street Imports wine portfolio, but today we have a special guest for you, and while he wears many hats, winemaker isn’t one of them. This holiday bonus episode is with Ronnie Sanders, Vine Street Imports’ founder and CEO. In today’s show, we discuss the early days of the business, and all the various ways that it has evolved over the last nearly quarter century. You’ll hear Ronnie’s take on building a business that is rooted in challenging categories – such as Australia, South Africa, and England – as well as what happens when you go into business with family and friends. You’ll also hear what Ronnie thinks is coming down the pike for 2023, and all the wines that excite him the most right now. Oh and you’ll also hear about that time Ronnie drank 27 bottles of wine – including 12 bottles of Domaine de la Romanee Conti – over a 9 hour lunch with a few friends and a guy named Robert Parker.
Hosted by Charlotte Alsaadi.
Special thanks to SNACKTIME for the music!