Frederick Stevenson is the brainchild (and longtime alias) of Steve Crawford. Steve launched this small-scale winery based in Adelaide, Australia as an antidote to the industrial scale and trophy winemaking that he felt had overwhelmed the Aussie wine scene. What Steve prefers to make and drink are the fresher, livelier styles he had become accustomed to drinking while living and working in Europe.
If Steve Crawford sounds a little bit like Frederick Stevenson, that’s by design. On today’s episode, you’ll hear the story of how Steve chose that alias, as well as what happened when his boss at a winemaking gig found out he was running his own clandestine winemaking operation. You’ll hear about a historic moment during the Young Gun of Wine Awards, an annual event hosted by the eponymous, new-wave wine publication in Australia, when Steve tied not once but twice for the Winemaker’s Choice Award. And, you’ll hear why on the bottom of his Riesling label you can find a German proclamation that translates to “Folks, it’s time for a sausage.”
Hosted by Charlotte Alsaadi.
Special thanks to SNACKTIME for the music!