Episode 16 is part 2 with Charla Bosman, the winemaker at Sijnn Wines. If you haven’t listened to part 1, go back and start there. It it has a lot of context about Charla and Sijnn that you’ll need before listening to this episode. Here, we talk about life in South Africa, and all of its highs – the people, the diversity, the landscape – and the lows – making wine during load shedding, the routine power outages that occur multiple times per day. In this episode, we hear Charla the person, not just Charla the winemaker. She’s lighthearted and fun, and it’s evident that she puts her heart & soul into making wine, not for external validation, but because it’s what lights her up inside. That’s not to say that she’s never been noticed for her work. She has – and in a big way, winning Tim Atkin’s Young Winemaker of the Year award last year. We get into all that, and more, in this episode.
Hosted by Charlotte Alsaadi.
Special thanks to SNACKTIME for the music!